Currently viewing Vol. 8 • Issue 2 • 2021

CAA News

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NEW CAA Service:
Do you have equipment to sell or need equipment?

  • Checkout our new Equipment Sales Board page:
    CAA Equipment Sales
  • The first 10 advertisers will get a 50% discount.
  • Links will be included in special eblasts and newsletters with a distribution of over 2500
  • Get results with this convenient new service

For more information on submitting equipment ads, please contact Neil Hardie:

Growing Up with Hearing Loss

The Ida Institute has added to their Growing Up with Hearing Loss pediatric resource. Growing Up with Hearing Loss 0-3 will help parents recognize and support the changes and challenges of their baby or toddler.

The tool, is broken into three sections for each stage. In Be Inspired by Others, parents can view short videos from veteran families sharing their experiences. Am I Ready? prompts parents to think about what they know and how they feel and offers suggestions for what could be discussed with their hearing care providers. Finally, the Develop New Skills section includes a number of ideas that audiologists or other team members provide for families to promote healthy development.”

For more information, insights and advice from Growing Up with Hearing Loss, visit

We’re All Ears

Ida is pleased to inform you that the We’re All Ears campaign materials are now available.

The campaign is an outcome of the PCHN roadmap aimed at translating the concept of person-centered care (PCC) into clear, accessible language and calls to action.
You can download the campaign materials from this Dropbox link.
To share the animated video, please use the share icon on this Vimeo link to embed the video or share it through social media.

In the coming weeks, Ida will be sharing the campaign through weekly posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. We hope you will join us and share these resources. We look forward to working with you to spread the word about the value of PCC.