Volume 12
Sound Business Sense
The modern practice of audiology requires clinicians to understand the business dynamics of their profession. Knowing the economic indicators is one of the variables that can present a view of future business climate allowing for predictions and adjustments to those predictions for continued success.
Sound Business Sense
In the last Sound Business Sense, the discussion centered on the business cycles that are part of any “free market” system. Businesses thrive on the reliable prediction of revenues and earnings for continued success, possible expansion, and startup ventures; however, the onset of the COVID crisis disrupted all free-market economies, so there were no longer stable prediction capabilities. These major economic fluctuations have not been seen in over a hundred years.
Volume 11
Sound Business Sense
Global Edge describes Canada’s economy as a market economic system in which the prices of goods and services are determined in a free price system. Canada and the United States are both great examples of market-driven economies where the amount of a product that consumers demand usually indicates to managers within an industry, how much of that product is to be manufactured and distributed for what price to the marketplace.
Sound Business Sense
CanadianAudiologist.ca is honoured to welcome Dr. Bob Traynor to our family with his new column called Sound Business Sense on important business issues that affects the audiology community. Because this is Bob’s inaugural column, we have decided to run this important addition as both an article and as a column in this issue.