Subjects Wanted
Volunteer Subjects Wanted for Online Research is pleased to provide a service for our readers where interested audiology clients can be referred for an on-line experience to be a volunteer subject in an experiment/survey being run by researchers at Canadian universities.
Following is a brief overview of the research that has been approved by their university’s ethics approval board. Each of these research overviews can be printed out and advertised in your office for interested patients.
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McGill University Research Study
If you know of anyone who might be interested in participating, please feel free to share this information with them.
Are you d/Deaf, hard-of-hearing or hearing person related to the Deaf community (child of deaf adults, interpreter, family member of a d/Deaf person, etc.)?
Are you interested in music?
Then …
We would like to hear from you about your music experiences and the use of music instruments and devices. You are invited to take this survey whether or not you personally use music instruments and devices, and no matter what style of music you like.
My name is Erivan Duarte, PhD student at McGill University. I am conducting research on the musical habits and practices of people related to the Deaf community, and the strategies they use to access and make music. The research is developed under supervision of professors Isabelle Cossette and Marcelo M. Wanderley. As a first step we would like to understand the ways you access and make music. By participating in this research, you will help us understand how to implement music technology that benefits d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing people.
The survey may take between 20 and 30 minutes to complete. While it is accessible across all devices, you may find it most convenient to complete on a computer or tablet equipped with a keyboard.
Here is the online survey link:
UBC University Research Study

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