View Tag: ‘Jiwani’

Volume 11

Finding Harmony: The Role of Teamwork and Flexibility in Audiology

As clinicians, we know that each patient’s journey can present unique challenges and complexities. Often, more advanced audiological care for patients who suffer from Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Auditory Processing concerns, or a combination of these can demand both adaptability and flexibility. During these appointments, we often need to take a holistic approach to patient care and think quickly and outside the box when making clinical recommendations.

Volume 10

Hearing Health is Associated to all Health

Evaluating a patient’s general health to offer more targeted support can help reduce and mitigate the burden of other diseases that come with hearing loss.

Walking a Mile in Our Patient’s Shoes

Psychologists often use the old adage of: “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.” While we can empathize with our patients and support, acknowledge, help, and advocate for them, I believe that as their clinicians, we will never quite get it because we’re not them; However, I do believe that we have an obligation to try.

Volume 7

Remote Connectivity Technology: Privacy Considerations for eAudiology Applications

This article takes a look at how recent advancements in connectivity technologies have enabled the clinical reality of remote service delivery across many health professions.