Currently viewing Vol. 1 • Issue 6 • 2014

Impulse Noise Produced by Weapons: Implications for Hearing Conservation



How Open Canal Amplification Was Discovered

James R Curran, MS of Starkey Hearing Technologies tells us why he thinks the introduction of CROS amplification is the most significant development in hearing aids over the past 50 years.

Diversity in Audiology

Recent Dalhousie University graduate Jenifer Jackson, MSc, Aud (C) explores the topic of diversity in audiology.

What T-9-1-1 Means to Me

President of Canadian Hard of Hearing Association Branch of York Region Daniel McDonnell tells us what the new Text to 9-1-1 means to him.

2014 CAA Conference Student Summaries

Audiology students from across the country provide their reviews on some of the great presentations at the recent CAA Conference in Whistler, British Columbia.


The Wired Audiologist

In this installment of The Wired Audiologist, Peter Stelmacovich outlines why he believes that performing speech in noise assessments have a huge number of benefits for both the audiologist and the client.

Other People's Ideas

Calvin Staples combs the blogs at and finds some gems related to pediatric audiology.

Striking the Right Balance

Vestibular practices are growing and expanding and students are now applying to audiology in the hopes of specializing in vestibular testing and Curtis Wetmore gives us some insight on this trend from the student’s perspective.

The Way I Hear It

The always thoughtful Gael Hannan gives us an outline of her first days with a hearing aid in her “Diary of a Mad Hearing Aid User.”

Noisy Notes

Alberto Behar provides his unique insights once again in Motorcycle Noise Part II.


Ever wonder why movies seem to be getting louder? Wayne Staab did and he tells us why this is happening in this issue’s installment of Trends.

Stories from Our Past

Wayne Staab pulls double duty in this issue and tells us all about the “History of Acoustic Impedance Measurement.”

From the Centre Out

Kim Tillery is often asked if she evaluates adults with CAPD. The next question is what can be done to assist the adult and why was an evaluation for CAPD provided?

Back to Basics

Editor-in-Chief Marshall Chasin gives us a very interesting Back to Basics column with his entry “Slope of PI Function Is Not 10%-per-dB in Noise for All Noises and for All Patients.”

Science Matters

Steve Aiken gives provides us with a great introduction to our newest yearly tradition from the recent CAA Conference: Student Conference Summaries.
Editorial Committee