View Tag: ‘speech intelligibility’
Volume 11
The Easy and the Hard Part of Controlling the Acoustics Of Rooms
From time to time, audiologists are asked about strategies (and products) that can be used to reduce the echoes in rooms in hopes of improving speech intelligibility or to “flatten” the room’s acoustics for music listening and playing. Other than seeking out the assistance of an acoustic or audio engineer (which actually can be well-worth the expenditure), this is a primer on how sound behaves in a room, and how it can be modified. An audiologist may be approached by an “audiophile” who has done a spectral sweep of a room and noticed an unwanted resonance at 120 Hz or 130 Hz, for example. How can we best respond to this inquiry?
Todd and the Clothes Dryer
I know that this sounds like the title of a kid’s book – Todd and the Clothes Dryer – but when I think of Dr. Todd Ricketts, I think of a clothes dryer. Why a clothes dryer and not a hearing aid, you might be wondering? Todd has a big heart, strong arms, and a kind spirit, he volunteered to help us move. I will never forget seeing Dr. Todd Ricketts carrying my clothes dryer out of the front door of my old house. Growing tired of waiting for the dolly to be available, he’d wrapped his two long arms around the dryer, carried it out of the house, and eventually onto the moving truck.
Volume 4
Using a Dereverberation Program to Improve Speech Intelligibility and Reduce Perceived Listening Effort in Reverberation
In this article, the authors investigated the effect of a hearing aid feature, “Reverberant Room”, on listening effort. Their study measured both speech recognition and perceived listening effort for adult listeners with hearing loss.