View Tag: ‘telecoils’
Volume 6
Please, Rethink Telecoils!
with Gael Hannan
Gael Hannan tells us why telecoils in her hearing aids have made her life better.
Volume 5
Did I Blow My Chance?
with Gael Hannan
Gael Hannan tells us about here recent trip to Scandinavia, her speech at GN Resound, and her experiences with accessibility along the way.
Volume 4
Verifying Monaurally and Binaurally Linked Telephone Programs
by Paula Folkeard, AuD
John Pumford, AuD, Aud(C), Reg. CASLPO
Philipp Narten, BSc
Susan Scollie, PhD
The tele-test handset provides an excellent means to measure the frequency response, gain and advanced features of hearing aid telecoil-based phone programs. This tool, paired with monitoring and follow-up, can help with troubleshooting and may contribute to increased patient use and satisfaction with telecoil-based hearing aid phone programs in their own environments by preventing dispensing of inappropriate telecoil responses.