View Tag: ‘binaural’

Volume 5

Binaural Interference- A Guide for Audiologists

ISBN: 978-1-63550-076-9 List price: $69.95 URL: As the editor in chief of Canadian Audiologist it is my responsibility to select reviewers for new publications. Typically this can be like pulling teeth but for Binaural Interference- A Guide for Audiologists there was a deluge of volunteer reviewers. I first thought of playing King Solomon who…

Volume 2

Binaural Beamforming and Directionality: Siemens Technology Holds Clear Performance Advantage

In this Siemens-sponsored advertorial we learn about Since the inception of directional processing in hearing aids, Siemens has been at the forefront of development and research.

Measuring Directionality of Modern Hearing Aids

Marc Aubreville, Dipl.-Ing and Stefan Petrausch, PhD explain why directionality in hearing aids is a key factor in understanding speech in noise, especially in very complex and demanding situations.

The Elusive Road to Binaural Hearing Aids

Wayne Staab takes us for a trip along “The Elusive Road to Binaural Hearing Aids”