View Tag: ‘technology’
Volume 11
Help Your Clients Set Better Hearing Loss Goals
We’re well into a new year now, but it’s not too late to make resolutions, specifically goals for better hearing and communication. People with hearing loss have the power to reshape the flow of our daily communication lives.
Volume 10
Teacher Questions: Do Cochlear Implants Work?
In these next few issues of Canadian Audiologist, Pam will address some of the common questions she hears from teachers. The first is, do cochlear implants work?
Environmentally Conscious Hearing — A Look at Three Exciting Devices
Have you ever looked at a hearing aid and wondered, “How does this affect the climate?” We all have. Sure, these sweet little gadgets help us hear and connect to the world, but are we really listening to what the world is saying? If we were, we would be hearing the world asking us politely to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Volume 9
A Client’s Rant
A client sits down in the chair opposite you. You ask them how they’ve been. You don’t want a long recitation of what they’ve been up to, but you do want honest answers in the area of hearing and communication. If you had asked me how I wasin, say, early October, and I answered you…
Volume 8
The Consumerization of Hearing Health Comes of Age
Richard Einhorn writes about arrival and rapid maturation around the consumerization of hearing health technology and why this should surprise no one.
Volume 7
Hearing Innovation – Improving Healthcare for Canadians
To help address the problem of limited access to testing and diagnosis in at-risk populations, our research group has partnered with businesses and healthcare organizations to use SHOEBOX QuickTest to systematically identify patients with hearing loss as a routine part of hospital care.
Volume 6
Hearing Loop – the Preferred Large Area Assistive Listening System: Here’s Why
Juliette Sterkens, well known hearing loop advocate, explains the advantages and disadvantages of different large area assistive listening technologies. Find out what consumers prefer and how you can help.
A Thing of the Past? Or a Thing of the Future?
Thomas Kaufmann puts to rest the myth that hearing loops are a thing of the past. On the contrary, they are needed and viable more than ever before. Find out about how this technology has the potential to completely transform the way all of us experience sound in our daily lives.
Volume 5
Did I Blow My Chance?
Gael Hannan tells us about here recent trip to Scandinavia, her speech at GN Resound, and her experiences with accessibility along the way.
Volume 4
Post-Secondary Case Studies
This third article in the series presents some case examples of students with hearing loss currently studying in university and a link in how the 3 pillars for success played a role.