Currently viewing Vol. 4 • Issue 6 • 2017



The “No Longer Hidden” Hearing Loss and Audiology: Bridging the Research-Clinic Gap

Adam Sheppard explores the issue of acquired hearing loss and why it requires a drastic need for alterations in the test measures that are included in “comprehensive evaluations.” Luckily, the disorder can be detected with already developed and readily available clinical measures. We can now say that the “hidden hearing loss” is no longer hidden.

Improving Speech Understanding in Multiple-Speaker Noise

Beck and Le Goff why the most common problem experienced by people with hearing loss and people wearing traditional hearing aids is not simply that sound isn’t loud enough. The primary issue is understanding Speech-in-Noise (SIN).

A New Study at Ryerson University: Hearing Aids and Emotions

Emma Scholey brings us up to speed on a new study investigating how musical emotion is perceived in older adults with hearing loss which is underway at the SMART laboratory (Science of Music, Auditory Research and Technology), Ryerson University.


Other People's Ideas

Courtesy of our friends at, Calvin Staples selects some blogs focusing on clinical topics that routinely come up in patient interactions that are rarely seen in training programs.

The Way I Hear It

The always insightful Gael Hannan gives us some tips on handling communication glitches that can come with hearing loss.

Stories from Our Past

A recently found box of “old hearing aids” left Wayne Staab to muse about how old some of these might be, and if there were any interesting features/design characteristics. And, why did he keep them?

From the Labs to the Clinics

After a very successful and interesting CAA Conference, Bob Harrison wonders why there was not one single session related to cochlear implantation.

The Wired Audiologist

This third article in the series presents some case examples of students with hearing loss currently studying in university and a link in how the 3 pillars for success played a role.

Grand Central Station

Kelly Tremblay gives us an interesting look at her time sitting at a table in Geneva last year to help craft the World Health Organization’s Guidelines on Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE).

Back to Basics

Many of Marshall Chasin’s patients comment that around 3 PM they hit the wall and need a nap and he wonders why this is rarely ever mentioned or discussed relative to the audiology clinic.
Editorial Committee