CAA News
Save the Date for the CAA Conference 2023
Conference Dates: October 11 to 14 inclusive
Where: Delta Hotels Ottawa City Centre, Ottawa
More details to come.

NEW CAA Webinar
Registration Now Open!
Join us on Thursday, March 23rd at 12 PM ET as Melissa Polonenko, Assistant Professor, Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, University of Minnesota
presents New electrophysiological methods to assess hearing function in young children using engaging stories.
Learning Points:
- Many hearing skills develop in early childhood but we usually have to wait until children are able to talk and perform longer behavioral testing before we can assess these skills.
- Electrophysiological measures that use continuous speech can be measured and may provide insights into hearing function during development and in more complex environments than our traditional objective measures.
- Having audiobook-based ABR tests may provide useful information for screening hearing loss and validating hearing aids in young children in the future.
Read full abstract here
Register Now:
CAA Members - FREE (must log in)
Non Members - $50.00
CAA Membership Renewal
Members can pay their fees for the March 1, 2023 to Feb 29, 2024 year
Pay My Fees | Canadian Academy of Audiology (

New CAA Member Benefit
A new member benefit is now available to CAA Members from Audiology Online (operated by Continued). CAA Members can now receive a 10% discount on online continuing education courses by using a special promo code.
Click link to download the CAA Member Benefit Flyer (Must Login).
Steps to renew Your Membership
- Click here to Login to your membership
- Select the “Renew Your Membership” option in the top right hand section of the screen, and follow the steps to renew.
Media Release by Hearing Health Alliance of Canada
In time for World Hearing Day March 3rd, the Hearing Health Alliance of Canada is taking its next step with a media release and call to action by the Federal government to work with us to implement a national hearing health strategy. The media release was launched on Wednesday, March 1st, 2023.
See the backgrounder and media release documents in both official languages. The full discussion paper provides the status and research evidence of the need to work together to implement a hearing health strategy in Canada is attached.
A website and Facebook page are also released today. Please share within your networks as we roll out this work over the near future.
Please familiarize yourself with this important work and announcement. Soon we will follow up with ways you can support this communication work further.
The Hearing Health Alliance of Canada is a unique collaborative group with members from About Our Alliance.
The Hearing Health Alliance of Canada comprises the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, Wavefront Centre for Communication Accessibility, Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario, Canadian Academy of Audiology, Canadian Hearing Instrument Practitioners Society, Cochlear Canada Inc., Hearing Industry Association of Canada and Speech-Language & Audiology Canada.

Marion Downs Pediatric Audiology Award from the American Academy of Audiology

Marlene Bagatto, AuD, PhD, of the University of Western Ontario and the National Centre for Audiology is the recipient of the 2023 Marion Downs Pediatric Audiology Award. As noted by one of her nominators, Dr. Bagatto is one of the “world’s foremost experts in the provision of early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) services and research in children with hearing loss.”
Her contributions to pediatric audiology are exceptional and include serving on a team that has developed and refined the desired sensation level (DSL) method, including the widely used real-ear-to-ear-coupler difference (RECD) measure for fitting hearing aids in children, the development of a pediatric outcome measurement protocol, participating in the implementation of the world’s first universal screening of congenital cytomegalovirus and genetics for hearing loss in Ontario, and recently providing fitting guidance for bone-conduction hearing devices.
She has been the author or co-author of nearly 100 professional publications, with 43 of these articles appearing in peer-reviewed journals. In addition to her research and clinical work, Dr. Bagatto has a significant history of leading the profession and being an advocate for those we serve, including being the chair of the Canadian Infant Hearing Task Force, a past president of the Canadian Academy of Audiology, and co-chairing the Sound Foundation International Pediatric Conferences. Dr. Bagatto is known among her colleagues as being humble and kind, and her impact has touched the lives of children globally.