Volume 6
A Cold-Weather Experiment
Our intrepid explorer Marshall Chasin travels to more to than 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle and experimented with the effect of the lower speed of sound in the Arctic.
Volume 5
Smartphones and Microphones
Marshall looks at the pros and cons of the multitude of apps that can turn smartphones into sound-level meters, recording devices, playback devices, and to be coupled with external devices for hearing aids.
Going Beyond the Phoneme…to the Word and Beyond!
With apologies to Buzz Lightyear, Marshall’s column sees us, “Going Beyond the Phoneme…to the Word and Beyond!”
A Primer on Equivalent Volume, Impedance, and Couplers for Hearing Aids
So, next time you hear the word impedance, and your eyes start to glaze over, don’t panic! substitute “equivalent volume” and note that it is larger for lower frequencies and smaller for higher frequencies.
In-Ear Monitors Need to be Aimed at the Eardrum…True or False?
With some assistance from his cats, Marshall Chasin concludes that there are many over-the-ear earphones (that can be used as monitors as well) that provide a wonderfully flat and broad band response without having to aim at the eardrum.
To Use Google Translate or Not? That Is the Question.
Like many colleagues, Marshall Chasin explores the growing use of Google Translate (and similar programs, such as Babylon) as part of a clinical toolkit.
Volume 4
Hearing Aids and the 3 PM Crash
Many of Marshall Chasin’s patients comment that around 3 PM they hit the wall and need a nap and he wonders why this is rarely ever mentioned or discussed relative to the audiology clinic.
Frequency Compression is for Speech but Not Music
Frequency compression of any form can be quite useful to avoid dead regions in the cochlea for speech but this does not follow for music. Speech is speech and music is music.
The dBA Versus the dB SPL War
War stories abound as our Canadian Audiologist’s “General” Marshall Chasin takes us to the front lines of “The dBA versus the dB SPL War.”
RANTS! Some Things We Would Change—If We Could
Marshall Chasin asked a few colleagues in the industry and in the clinic to provide their thoughts (some may consider these as “rants”) about what they would change if they could. These colleagues have been practicing long enough to see many changes in technology and professional service delivery and kindly offer their perspective as to what we might change, if only we could.