Volume 4

The CAA Annual Conference Was Great Except for One Thing…

After a very successful and interesting CAA Conference, Bob Harrison wonders why there was not one single session related to cochlear implantation.

Are You Really Familiar with the Literature?

After reading many recent graduate research theses, Robert Harrison noticed very few cited papers dating back more than a decade or two begging the question; “Are you really familiar with the literature?”

Auditory Neuropathy is a Factor in All Cases of Cochlear Hearing Loss

Robert Harrison gives us an overview of his message from the recent ENT World Congress in Paris entitled “Central auditory changes in sensorineural hearing loss.”

Etiology is Important

Robert Harrison urges all Canadian audiologists to look beyond their own test results and not to forget about etiology when it comes to audiometric evaluation.

From the Labs to the Clinics

Renowned audiologist and researcher Robert Harrison joins Canadian Audiogist as a regular contributor with our new “From the Labs to the Clinics” column.