Volume 12
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Accessibility, Billings, and Hearing Aid Manufacturers The Apple AirPods Pro II has recently received a Class II Medical License in Canada and personally, I welcome this as long as the consumer uptake is appropriate- adults with a mild to (at most) moderate level of sensori-neural hearing loss. The audiology community has always welcomed increased accessibility…
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Welcome to the first issue of our twelfth year of CanadianAudiologist. I hope you had a relaxing and restful holiday season break with family gatherings, playing catch-up, and parties. Family gatherings and parties can be great, but also can be difficult, especially if they take place in a noisy location. And most places that are large enough…
Volume 11
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
AI is Here to Stay I have always been a bit of a stick in the mud regarding new things. On one hand, I love hearing about new technology and innovations, but at the same time, I am loathe to jump onto a bandwagon. This has served me well professionally over the years. As an…
We are definitely in the 21st century!
Compared with other well-established fields, audiology is a relative newcomer. Its roots grew out of the field of experimental psychology with names such as S.S. Stevens, Raymond Carhart, Hallowell Davis, Harvey Fletcher, and Jim Jerger. Unfortunately, we just heard of the passing of Dr. Jim Jerger and Dr. Charles (Chuck) Berlin- we have two items…
Todd the Translational Researcher
From time to time, CanadianAudiologist.ca dedicates a special issue to someone in our field who has devoted their life to research that betters the lives of hard-of-hearing people. But for this, we thought we would take a page out of Frank Capra’s 1942 movie with Jimmy Stewart called It’s a Wonderful Life. In this movie,…
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Welcome to this spring issue of CanadianAudiologist. We have a very diverse range of articles. Greg Flamme and Kristy Deiter discuss the important (and sometimes frustrating) issue of age corrections for audiometry and noise-induced hearing loss. In many jurisdictions, 0.5 dB is subtracted off the Worker’s Compensation Board 4 number average for each year over…
Message from the Editor
Even after more than 40 years in this field, I still need to be reminded on occasion that the ears are not just those things that hold my glasses onto my head. Ears are only one small cog in the human machine and it is wrong to assume that hearing exists in a vacuum… actually…
Message from the Editor
Mirroring our economy in general, the hearing aid industry is gradually coming out of its COVID-related crash and we look forward to greater things in 2024. I am trying to start with a fresh mind and to get rid of some of the cobwebs from 2023. It was certainly a year of ups and downs…
Volume 10
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Thank you to everyone who make the Canadian Academy of Audiology what it is Our e-publication, CanadianAudiologist.ca is now one decade old. With its previous incarnation, the Canadian Hearing Report, the Canadian Academy of Audiology has provided its members with cutting-edge articles and columns touching on all aspects of audiology. Given this special decade-anniversary, it…
Message from the Editor-in-Chief
The ACHIEVE Study Results Do NOT Provide Evidence that “Hearing Aids Prevent Dementia” Over this past summer, the ACHIEVE study was presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Amsterdam and published in the Lancet by Dr. Frank Lin and his colleagues. ACHIEVE stands for Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (and I have…