Currently viewing Vol. 1 • Issue 3 • 2014

Hearing Aids Made for iPhone®



Programming Hearing Instruments to Make Live Music More Enjoyable

Neil Hockley et al., write that while concentrating clinical efforts on the perception of speech in many different environments, hearing healthcare providers may sometimes overlook other signals, such as music, that may be very meaningful to the patient.

A Hearing Aid Solution for Music

Marshall Chasin writes about how True Input technology from Widex is allowing musicians, and those who like to listen to music, to receive an amplified signal that is effectively distortion free.

Hearing Aids Made for iPhone®

Jennifer Groth tell us how ReSound is using MFi (made for Apple) technology and the low energy feature of Bluetooth to provide direct connectivity between hearing aids and Apple devices.

Shields, Screens, and Baffles

Sandra Teglas examines the use of acoustic shields, screens and baffles to aid in hearing protection for musicians.

Accessibility Victory for Deaf Citizenship Applicants

Silent Voice’s Paul Smith writes about the recent changes to language requirements in citizenship applications as it applies to culturally Deaf permanent residents.


Back to Basics

Marshall Chasin tell us What is “Effective Quiet” for Music and Noise.

From the Centre Out

Kim Tillery shares some thought on how to work with individuals with a diagnoses which may interfere with a reliable CAPD evaluation.

The Way I Hear It

Gael Hannan shares her dream of being able hear, understand, and enjoy music the way the hearing people do.

Noisy Notes

Alberto Behar explains why sound levels are expressed, most of the time, in dBA, sometimes in dBC, and never in dBB.

Science Matters

Guest columnists Claude Alain and Benjamin Rich Zendel review studies that have investigated the role of musical training as a mean to mitigate age-related decline in difficulties understanding speech in noise.

The Wired Audiologist

Peter Stelmacovich discusses the importance of playing a musical instrument for people with hearing loss.


Wayne Staab tells us why hearing may be the most influential sense of them all.

Other People's Ideas

For this issue, Calvin Staples’ selects some of the best music-themed blogs from
Editorial Committee