Message from the Editor
Its Summertime, So RELAX!
The editorial committee of has wanted to run a light-hearted humour issue for quite some time now, and what better time than our tenth year of publication during July when we are trying to slow down a bit and regenerate.
Each of our stories in this issue are audiology-related, but that’s where it stops. Our cover feature was coordinated by myself and Gus Mueller back in 2017 and originally debuted in Hearing Review. We asked a number of audiologists about the stupider and sillier things that they did over the course of their careers, and none of them ended up in jail (that I know of). And imagine trying to perform sound level measures on the highway while being pursued by the police. We even have an audiology detective case … The case of the missing C#. where we try to recreate a 1940s movie starring Humphrey Bogart such as the Maltese Falcon.
Our editorial staff also would like to notify you about a new government program where Canadian hardware stores are now authorized to clear wax out of the ears, as well as the first proof ever that cavemen actually wore hearing protection.
And… there is more…but just read on. This issue is best enjoyed with a glass of your favourite wine or beer, but not while you are driving, especially while being pursued by the police!
I would like to thank you all for supporting CanadianAudiologist over this past decade.
Best regards, Marshall Chasin, AuD, Editor in Chief