Currently viewing Vol. 5 • Issue 5 • 2018



In Conversation with Brent Edwards

The name Brent Edwards, PhD really needs no introduction but for the 7 people who do not know Marshall Chasin chats with the Saskatchewan native about his career to date and his relocation to Australia.

Industry Research: New Solutions for ITE Direct Streaming

The industry has made great strides in the sound quality of the audio signal provided in hearing aids via directional microphone technology and digital noise reduction. These have led to improved speech understanding in both quiet and noisy listening environments.


The Way I Hear It

Gael Hannan question attitudes towards hearing loss with her poem, Does It Matter?

Stories from Our Past

Wayne provides an historical archive to the application of hearing aids with his column “Auriculostomy – First Surgical Hearing Aid Approach.”

From the Labs to the Clinics

Bob’s column for this issue discusses knowledge translation in relation to clinical hearing tests.

Back to Basics

With apologies to Buzz Lightyear, Marshall’s column sees us, “Going Beyond the Phoneme…to the Word and Beyond!”

The Mysteries of the Hearing Brain

Our newest contributor, Samira Anderson, provides a bit of personal and professional background, and the basis for her new column.
Editorial Committee