Currently viewing Vol. 9 • Issue 1 • 2022

A New Perspective on Chronic Conductive Hearing Loss



A New Perspective on Chronic Conductive Hearing Loss

While daily exposures to noise are deemed to be “atraumatic” in the sense that they are not followed by a measurable change in hearing thresholds, it is legitimate to question whether these daily noise exposures affect our hearing health throughout a lifetime.

Mysteries of the Hearing Brain: What is Normal Hearing?

I know that I have more difficulty hearing noise than my younger students and relatives. I often ask them to repeat what they or others have said. So perhaps my hearing ability is normal for my age, but not normal relative to younger listeners. So, what exactly is “Normal Hearing”?

Realizing the Benefits
of Group Aural Rehabilitation in Newfoundland

Funded by a 2019 IDA Institute clinical research grant, audiologists Anne Griffin and Taylor Burt explore how the benefits of group aural rehabilitation could be made accessible to people with hearing loss in rural Newfoundland.

Labeling COVID-19’s Long Term Effects—What’s the Diagnosis?

This article addresses and defines the language associated with COVID-19 and reports on the attempts being made to establish appropriate medical terminology as it pertains to COVID-19 patients who are still experiencing medical issues for weeks and even months after the diagnosis.

Signia Active: The Beginning of An Era of Hearing Without Stigma

The acoustic amplification of sounds by hearing aids is the most common corrective strategy for the management of hearing loss, with satisfaction rates among users surpassing 80%. Despite their efficacy, only one third of candidates for hearing aids will purchase and use them.


Audiology in the Classrooms

A crucial part of any audiological assessment is the provision of recommendations to support student learning. While many of our recommendations have a solid theoretical foundation, research on their efficacy is sometimes scant or contradictory.

From the Labs to the Clinics

We have entered a period of uncertainty. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Trump-era have revealed that too many fellow humans cannot easily tell fact from fiction or distinguish between scientific evidence and conspiracy theory. As a result, the media, political leaders, and those “in authority” can feed us fake news or real news, and many have difficulty recognizing the difference.

Noisy Notes

Hearing loss is a well-known fact, resulting from many causes, the main ones being associated with aging and exposure to high noise levels for extended periods. It is also no secret that wearing hearing aids will greatly facilitate navigating through everyday life by allowing the wearer to hear speech, music, and noises in general.

The Way I Hear It

Is there an upside to having hearing loss? If we reflect on its impact on our lives and look for the potentially positive, we may unpack at least a couple of unexpected benefits to our hearing loss package.

CAA News

CAA News: January 2022
1. CAA: Educating professionals and the public for an uncertain future

Industry News

Industry News: January 2022
1. In Memoriam: Susan Small
2. Obituary: Robert Gordon Turner
3. Obituary: Chris Stokes-Rees
4. Ida Institute announces partnership with the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association to support better hearing care locally and globally
Editorial Committee