Hidden Hearing Loss: Revisiting the Significance of Word Recognition Scores in Standard Audiometric Evaluations
Scientific reports. (2022) has reignited our interest in “hidden hearing loss.” We caught up with one of the authors of this report, Dr. Stephane Maison, for both a summary of this important research, as well as a more general Question and Answer section that immediately follows the reference section of the summary.
Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Corticosteroids — Some Facts
The purpose of this summary is to provide some background information that may be of assistance in Treating of Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Corticosteroids.
A Case for Reducing Judgement Noise in Our Bone Conduction Fittings
In this blog article, Alex Gascon and Bill Hodgetts examine how the wide range of verification practices shapes the field of bone-conduction amplification.
Summary Paper – Auditory Changes Following Firearm Noise Exposure, A Review*
The author detail why only by providing comprehensive testing to patients at risk for firearm noise exposure will early signs of injury be detected in high-risk populations.
Mysteries of the Hearing Brain: Hearing Aid Use Improves Brain Processing Over Time
New hearing aid users often report significant improvements in quality of life as they connect once again to the hearing world around them. Yet, first-time hearing aid users may find newly amplified sounds overwhelming.
The Vestibular Patient Journey: An Interview with a Patient Diagnosed with Vestibular Migraine
In this edition of “Striking the Right Balance,” Erica Zaia, MSc, RAUD and Michael Vekasi, AuD, R.Aud, Aud(C), FAAA interview a patient presenting with dizziness and imbalance to look at how vestibular impairments negatively impact our patients’ quality of life and how our interactions with them contribute to their patient journey. This is the second article in this patient-focused series, featuring a patient diagnosed with vestibular migraine.
An Ode to the Audiologist Returning from Parental Leave
New mom Carolyn Falls returns from maternity leave for the first day back to work in nearly 10 months, and can barely remember what an audiologist is.
Are COVID-19 “Brain Fog” Symptoms and an Auditory Processing Disorder Related?
When a COVID-19 survivor reports that they have been diagnosed with brain fog or mild cognitive impairment (BF/MCI), hearing care professionals should be aware that many of the BF/MCI symptoms are very similar to those seen in patients with (central) auditory processing disorder.
Specialized Technology to Increase Learning and Safety for Hearing Impaired Students

The technology is now available to create a better setting for learning and enhance the safety of the hearing- impaired students and their fellow students.
From the Labs to the Clinics
The purpose of this summary is to provide some background information that may be of assistance in Treating of Sensorineural Hearing Loss with Corticosteroids.
Audiology in the Classrooms
This article is a continuation from the previous column in issue #4 of, but this time around, concentrating on the non-auditory effects of noise in the classroom for students, rather than for teachers.
The Way I Hear It
Gael can’t hear you, she’s too tired! When the auditory well of vitality runs dry...
Quick Answers
You now have the question, Erica has the answer.
Industry News
Industry News: September 2022
1. FDA Issues Final OTC Hearing Aid Rule and PSAP Guidance
2. Message from CHHA National Executive Director
3. Call for Audiologists for Research
4. 3M is creating a $1 Billion trust for service members who say their earplugs didn’t protect them
5. Bose Enters Into Partnership With Lexie Hearing
1. FDA Issues Final OTC Hearing Aid Rule and PSAP Guidance
2. Message from CHHA National Executive Director
3. Call for Audiologists for Research
4. 3M is creating a $1 Billion trust for service members who say their earplugs didn’t protect them
5. Bose Enters Into Partnership With Lexie Hearing
CAA News
CAA News: September 2022
1. CAA Annual General Members Meeting
2. CAA Webinar
1. CAA Annual General Members Meeting
2. CAA Webinar