Following are a selection of interesting news items from our field. This section will be updated on a continuous basis so check back often in between issues, to see what is new.
Source: The Toronto Star
A Mississauga company found to have mocked, humiliated and launched a “campaign of abuse” designed to force a deaf employee’s resignation has been ordered by Ontario’s top court to pay her $266,000.
Source: Peter Julian | NDP House Leader
This past April, the Hon. Peter Julian, NDP MP for New Westminster-Burnaby, tabled a bill, Bill C-263, that he says would enhance access to the Disability Tax Credit for people who are deaf and hard-of-hearing. The bill would change Disability Tax Credit regulations to make the legislation more realistic in terms of everyday settings and situations. SAC has supported Mr. Julian in promoting this bill.
Source: Canadian Hearing Society
CHS Director of Audiology Rex Banks has been named president of the board of directors for the Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada (ANAC). Rex also gave the introductory presentation at the group's Annual Symposium on June 4 in Toronto.
Source: ScienceDaily
Many testicular cancer survivors experience hearing loss after cisplatin-based chemotherapy, according to researchers who studied, for the first time, the cumulative effects of cisplatin-based chemotherapy on hearing levels in testicular cancer survivors through comprehensive audiometry measurements. They found that increasing doses of cisplatin were associated with increased hearing loss at most of the tested frequencies, involving 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 kHz.
Source: CBC News
The listening component of a high school exam is raising concerns from the province's Hard of Hearing Association. Leon Mills, executive director of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association-Newfoundland and Labrador, said the English 3201 exam contains a listening element. "Not everybody is going to hear what's being said," Mills told CBC News during a recent interview.
Source: ScienceDaily
Hearing loss has wide-ranging impacts not only on older people’s ability to communicate, but also on their ability to move about and participate in different hobbies and activities, shows new research.
Source: CBC News
A mother in Arviat, Nunavut, says her deaf daughter has been told to stay home from school in the afternoons because of a lack of sign language interpreters. Rochelle Suluk's daughter Kimberly Joy Anoee is a Grade 9 student at John Arnalukjuak High School in a community of about 2,700.
Source: CBC News
CBC is pleased to share details of its ongoing project to make public radio accessible to a wide and diverse range of Canadians. With support from the Broadcasting Accessibility Fund, CBC is making transcripts of CBC Radio One's The Current available daily on the show's website. Since that launch, we are thrilled to report that The Current's transcripts have been viewed by 20,000 people.
Source: ScienceDaily
A far wider swath of brain areas is activated when children hear their mothers than when they hear other voices, and this brain response predicts a child's social communication ability, a new study finds.
Source: Audiology WorldNews
A new research and development center, called the Genomic-Based R&D Centre for Hearing Science, which focuses on genetic forms of hearing loss, has been opened in Grand Falls-Windsor, reports the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).