Message from the President
On behalf of the Canadian Academy of Audiology (CAA) I want to welcome you to the first issue of Canadian Audiologist for 2024. I hope you all had a relaxing and restful holiday season that allowed you to spend time with family and friends, and recharge for another busy year ahead!
With some time for reflection over the holidays I want to say how excited I am for the year ahead. The synergy we have on the CAA board of directors right now is incredible and I truly believe we can achieve great things to help move the profession forward.
At our final board meeting of 2023 I shared with the team what my main objectives are for the coming year. Mostly they include focusing our collective energy on one or two of our top-ranked projects to be able to operationalize them. Stay-tuned for updates throughout the year! Our volunteer-driven teams continue to work on many other CAA projects as well.
I am also looking forward to another incredible conference that we have planned for October 6th-9th, 2024 at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia. The speaker selection committee is working hard on another fantastic roster of speakers and presentations.
I would also like to extend an invitation to reach out to myself or any of our current board of directors if you have any questions, comments or concerns that you would like us to bring forward when we next meet. We appreciate and welcome constructive feedback on the various projects and activities that we are involved in.
Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead!
Dr. Michael J. Vekasi, R.Aud, Aud(C), FAAA
Doctor of Audiology | Registered Audiologist
President, Canadian Academy of Audiology