Currently viewing Vol. 3 • Issue 5 • 2016

Message from the President

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It has been a tremendous privilege over the past year to serve as president of CAA.  As you know, one of our main association objectives each year is to bring to our members a world-class congress that provides audiologists a chance to assemble, learn and connect over the important issues in our field. The World Congress of Audiology promises to be an even bigger opportunity for learning and developing connections.

The CAA, in partnership with SAC, ISA, and the conference committee has put together a first rate program. A tremendous amount of work goes into hosting an international meeting of this magnitude. I would like to thank the conference co-chairs, Dr. Pichora-Fuller and Dr. Chasin for the dedication and effort they put into assembling this program. I would also like that thank our executive director, Jean Holden and SAC’s CEO, Joanne Charlebois for working so well together throughout the last four years to make this unique congress a success. We are also grateful to over one hundred volunteers whose efforts are critical to a successful congress and to the sponsors and exhibitors for their support in making this congress possible.

Over the last several years we have been setting some key long-term initiatives in motion.  We now have special interest groups and coalitions devoted to vestibular issues, tinnitus, infant hearing and adult hearing loss.  These groups are working with other professional associations and other health care professionals and researchers to strengthen the outcomes of our shared efforts. We are making strides towards greater physician outreach and education (both GPs and ENTs), improving our website and making continuing education a year-long priority.

As we think about the next few years ahead, there are many issues we still face.  In spite of all our advances in technology and increased awareness of audiology and services, we still have significant challenges with uptake and adherence to hearing help and services. Together we need to find ways to move the needle on this persistent phenomenon. We should also focus more effort on preventing noise exposure in our society even earlier than we do today. It may take a few generations of education to get parents thinking about hearing protection like they now think about sunscreen. But I think it is possible to change this. I would love to see a future where more of our scope of practice is actually practiced and I would love the pathway to and choice of professional to be less confusing for patients/clients when they have hearing concerns. These are just a few things for us to consider. I know there are dozens more.

This profession of ours is a privilege. We connect people to other people through hearing preservation, counseling and technology. It has been a pleasure to serve as your president this past year and I look forward to continuing to advance our field in the future.


Bill Hodgetts, PhD

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About the author

Bill Hodgetts, R.Aud, PhD, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta

Bill Hodgetts is a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the University of Alberta. He holds a joint appointment at the Institute for Reconstructive Sciences in Medicine (iRSM) where he is Program Director for audiology and bone conduction amplification (BCA). He obtained his B.A. (Psychology) and M.Sc. (Audiology) from the Western University and his Ph.D. (Rehab Sciences) from the University of Alberta. Bill teaches Audiology/Hearing Science at the U of A. His primary research focuses on the assessment, prescription, verification and validation of bone conduction devices with a goal of improving outcomes for BCA users and transferring knowledge to other clinicians involved in BCA. He also does work to better understand the reasons, psychological considerations and pathways that might lead to better uptake, adherence and outcomes for hearing healthcare.