View Tag: ‘hearing aids’

Volume 11

Quick Answers

Question #1: What should audiologists tell their clients about hearing aids and reducing dementia risk?

Question #2: What should audiologists learn from the story of the retraction of the Jiang et al. paper about hearing aids and dementia?

Murder Most Foul: Hearing Aid Version

Murder Most Foul: Hearing Aid Version

Warning: The following column may contain content that some people find upsetting. Especially you, the HCP, so you may want to warn your clients!

Lions Clubs International

In 1996 CLERC (Canadian Eyeglass Recycling Centre) in Calgary, Alberta opened. With Lions Clubs throughout Canada collecting and shipping eyeglasses and components to them for repair, refurbishing, etc. CLERC has now provided over 6 million pairs of eyeglasses to individuals worldwide who would otherwise not have been able to afford them. In 2011 CLERC extended its’ mandate to include repair, refurbishment, and recalibration of hearing aids as well.

Using Bluetooth (And Personal Hearing Aids) for Live Music Performance

Chasin and Morris investigate the common question from performing musicians who wear hearing aids with Bluetooth wireless transmission enabled regarding if they can use their personal amplification as in-ear monitors.

Volume 10

Churchill’s Hearing Loss

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965), who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, and again from 1951 to 1955, is widely regarded as one of the greatest wartime leaders of the 20th century.  He was also a British army officer, historian, writer, Nobel Prize winner in Literature, artist, and the first person to be made an honorary citizen of the United States.  Wayne looks at his use of a hearing aid (hearing aids, plural, were not fitted at that time).

What Do Owners of Hearing Aids that Stream Think of the Sound Quality?

Industry Research

Volume 9

Use of Hearing Aids in a Noisy Workplace Environment

Hearing loss is a well-known fact, resulting from many causes, the main ones being associated with aging and exposure to high noise levels for extended periods. It is also no secret that wearing hearing aids will greatly facilitate navigating through everyday life by allowing the wearer to hear speech, music, and noises in general.

Volume 8

Patient Satisfaction With Widex Moment™ Hearing Aids in Real-Life Listening Environments

Widex’s Craig Spencer shares their recent study results supporting a direct application of its results to real-life clinical settings in Canada and provides evidence that satisfaction levels with MOMENT™ MRR2D 440 instruments are significantly higher than existing technologies on the market.

How I Became Unethical

James Curran looks back at a time when, if an audiologist dispensed (sold) a hearing aid, it was considered unethical behavior by the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) and resulted in membership expulsion and loss of professional certification.

When They Take Away Your Hearing Aids

There’s a special kind of deaf felt by people who use hearing aids all the time, every minute of their waking day. This special deaf is what you become when your devices are removed—to be examined by the technical gods because Something. Is. Wrong.