View Tag: ‘music’

Volume 11

The Benefits of Linear Frequency Lowering for Music

Successful approaches for preserving harmonics in music programs can retain the same overall sound of music for people who are hard of hearing.

Using Bluetooth (And Personal Hearing Aids) for Live Music Performance

Chasin and Morris investigate the common question from performing musicians who wear hearing aids with Bluetooth wireless transmission enabled regarding if they can use their personal amplification as in-ear monitors.

Volume 7

Mysteries of the Hearing Brain – Music and the Hearing Brain

Audiologists are most interested in interventions that lead to better speech understanding. However, the evidence for the benefits of music training on speech-in-noise (SIN) performance has been mixed.

A Hearing Conservation Education Program for Music Students

The authors write about how the results from their study demonstrated that a hearing conservation program could be beneficial to students of early music careers.

Music Learning for Hearing Impaired and Deaf Children: Capabilities and Effects

The uOttawa Piano Pedagogy Research Laboratory, in collaboration with researchers from uOttawa Audiology and the ENT and Otolaryngology clinic at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), has been running a research program to investigate the abilities of cochlear implant (CI) recipients in learning and performing music, and the effects of music learning on their hearing system and well-being.

Volume 6

Mysteries of the Hearing Brain – Ingredients for Effective Auditory Learning

Auditory training may be an efficacious management recommendation for older adults. The success of this training is likely to be enhanced if it employs techniques known to enhance neuroplasticity.

Reflections from a Music Educator on Interdisciplinary Audiology Research

Cathy Benedict from Western University’s Don Wright Faculty of Music takes on her fascinating journey with interdisciplinary audiology research.

Volume 5

In-Ear Monitors Need to be Aimed at the Eardrum…True or False?

With some assistance from his cats, Marshall Chasin concludes that there are many over-the-ear earphones (that can be used as monitors as well) that provide a wonderfully flat and broad band response without having to aim at the eardrum.

Volume 4

Frequency Compression is for Speech but Not Music

Frequency compression of any form can be quite useful to avoid dead regions in the cochlea for speech but this does not follow for music. Speech is speech and music is music.

The dBA Versus the dB SPL War

War stories abound as our Canadian Audiologist’s “General” Marshall Chasin takes us to the front lines of “The dBA versus the dB SPL War.”