An Evolving Understanding of Cochlear Synaptopathy
Clues for why “hidden hearing loss” remains hidden in clinical testing
An Evolving Understanding of Cochlear Synaptopathy
Cochlear synaptopathy persists as a hot topic in hearing research and auditory neuroscience, and there is intense debate on developing a clinical test for it.
Working as a Northern Audiologist in Iqaluit
Every wonder what it’s like working as an audiologist in the far North? Read on!
The New FDA Rules for OTC Hearing Aids: What Do They Mean for People with Hearing Loss?
The US Food and Drug Administration’s rules for OTC hearing aids, announced on August 16, promise sweeping changes for hearing healthcare, creating a new class of more affordable and accessible hearing aids.
Occupational Audiology in the United States
In the world of occupational audiology, we often preach that the most important part of every HCP is education. In my years as an audiologist, I have been fortunate enough to play a small role in educating those noise-exposed individuals, the program managers, and other professionals that implement OSHA, DOD, and other regulations that guide their HCP.
Workplace Hearing Conservation; Occupational Health and Safety Aspects
While some forms of hearing loss are hereditary and cannot be prevented, Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is preventable. Until recently, noise-induced hearing loss was linked mainly to excessive noise in the workplace. However, some newer studies suggest that many teenagers and young adults have experienced permanent hearing loss caused by over-exposure to loud noise from various everyday activities.
Canadian Vestibular Audiologists: Connecting Through Cases & Discussion
In this edition of “Striking the Right Balance,” Carolyn Falls & Curtis Wetmore, MSc, Aud(C), Reg CASLPO introduce an interesting vestibular case that will be discussed in further detail during an upcoming Facebook Live event (hosted by the CAA National Vestibular Special Interest Group).
The Outer Ear in the Visual Arts
The outer ear is, we think, the unsung hero of audiology and otology. Although it’s the part of the ear we can see, it’s often overshadowed by its more celebrated siblings. The inner ear attracts attention for its fascinating and mysterious physiology; and the middle ear, home of the celebrated ossicles, elicits passionate and opinionated discussion.
Fighting Jet Lag When Time Zones Are an Issue
Editor’s Note: I ran across this excellent overview on how to keep yourself healthy when travelling through time zones. I asked permission from Dr. David Fabry to reprint this, and he thankfully agreed. These are his tricks.
Hearing Success at

Getting Started with Verifit2 Binaural Real Ear Measurements: Flexible Setup to Binaural Sound Field Assist

CAA Conference 2022
The CAA Conference 2022 was held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, from Wednesday October 12 – Saturday October 15.
Audiology in the Classrooms
Now that schools are back to in-person learning, I encounter many statements, both from individuals and in the media, expressing the general sentiment “kids are resilient, they’ll bounce back”. Research is emerging on how students have weathered the pandemic academically, while those of us who work in schools have our own observations of how students...
From the Labs to the Clinics
The most prevalent type of hearing loss is a progressive hearing loss. I can make that statement confidently because presbyacusis is progressive, and everybody will have age-related hearing loss, unless they pass away before age 30. However, it is difficult to find good evidence or reliable statistics if you ask the question about the prevalence...
The Way I Hear It
A client sits down in the chair opposite you. You ask them how they’ve been. You don’t want a long recitation of what they’ve been up to, but you do want honest answers in the area of hearing and communication. If you had asked me how I wasin, say, early October, and I answered you...
Quick Answers
Q: Is someone with a hearing loss more (or less) susceptible to future hearing deterioration from loud than those with normal hearing? A: One’s initial gut feeling is that if there is already cochlear damage, then this would increase the chances of further hearing difficulty when compared with someone with normal cochlear function, given the...
Industry News
Industry News: November 2022
1. Linda Berg Announcement
2. Over the Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids
3. Canadian Tinnitus Study – Looking for participants
4. Obituary: Dr. Bob Oliveira
5. M. Charles Liberman, PhD, Awarded La Fondation Pour l’Audition Scientific Prize
6. Obituary: Angela Eljetha Buchanan (Jean)
1. Linda Berg Announcement
2. Over the Counter (OTC) Hearing Aids
3. Canadian Tinnitus Study – Looking for participants
4. Obituary: Dr. Bob Oliveira
5. M. Charles Liberman, PhD, Awarded La Fondation Pour l’Audition Scientific Prize
6. Obituary: Angela Eljetha Buchanan (Jean)
CAA News
CAA News: November 2022
1. Canadian Academy of Audiology Conference 2022
1. Canadian Academy of Audiology Conference 2022