View Tag: ‘Chasin’

Volume 11

The Benefits of Linear Frequency Lowering for Music

Successful approaches for preserving harmonics in music programs can retain the same overall sound of music for people who are hard of hearing.

A Quick Test For Cochlear Dead Regions in Those With a Unilateral Sensori-Neural Hearing Loss and Also to Check if Your Loudspeakers Are Working Well

Several “hearing tests” can now be performed in the quiet of one’s own home. These are predominantly threshold-based tests and are typically limited by the environmental condition of the test room or by the asymmetry of unmatched earphones or loudspeakers commonly used by the public.

Using Bluetooth (And Personal Hearing Aids) for Live Music Performance

Chasin and Morris investigate the common question from performing musicians who wear hearing aids with Bluetooth wireless transmission enabled regarding if they can use their personal amplification as in-ear monitors.

Volume 10

Musical Pathways and Roads

Musical Roads, as the name suggests, are roads that can “play” a song while you are driving on them.  The first report of a musical road was in 1995 in Denmark.

Never Take Pictures In the Men’s Washroom–Even for Hearing Science!

After seeing a movie over the holiday season, I was almost chased out of the movie theater…NEVER TAKE PICTURES IN THE MEN’S WASHROOM!

The Case of the Missing C#

Another audiological mystery solved by an intrepid audiologist-detective.

Life as an Audiologist: Stories Too Good Not to Tell

Even the best hearing care professionals make mistakes or find themselves in unexpected situations. Here are some humorous and poignant stories from “the trenches” of audiology.

What is Bluetooth and Is It Secure? sat down with Steve Armstrong of SoundGoodLabs to talk about Bluetooth.

Volume 9

Quick Answers

Q:  Is someone with a hearing loss more (or less) susceptible to future hearing deterioration from loud than those with normal hearing? A:  One’s initial gut feeling is that if there is already cochlear damage, then this would increase the chances of further hearing difficulty when compared with someone with normal cochlear function, given the…

Non-Auditory Effects of Environmental Noise

The study of non-auditory effects of everyday environmental noise such as sleep disruptions and annoyance are not traditionally part of audiology. Most of the researchers are not audiologists, and the journals, while well-respected and peer-reviewed, are not mainstream audiology publications. This white paper is a primer for this important area of study and will also appear on the Canadian Academy of Audiology website at