View Tag: ‘Paul’

Volume 12

To the Brain and Back: The Role of Visual Neuroplasticity in Cochlear Implant Users’ Speech Outcomes

Cochlear implants (CIs) can restore hearing function from deafness or profound hearing loss, but CI recipients’ long-term speech outcomes can vary widely. Some recover speech perception rapidly and show good listening performance in noisy environments. Others may rehabilitate slowly, struggle with simple words in quiet, or even fail to recover functional speech perception. Research has shown that several factors, such as the cause or duration of deafness, the amount of residual hearing, or whether deafness occurred before or after developing language, correlate with CI users’ long-term speech perception ability. However, much variation in CI users’ speech perception remains unexplained.

Volume 11

To The Brain and Back: Measuring The Brain’s Response to Continuous, Natural Speech

For decades, audiological practice and auditory neuroscience has benefitted from using electroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain responses evoked by speech sounds. Speech-evoked EEG responses show how hearing loss affects speech processing, how hearing aids provide speech perception benefits, and how the auditory system develops.

To the Brain and Back: A Potential Role for GABA in Speech-In-Noise Perception and Aging

Audiologists frequently receive complaints from older adults with hearing loss about their difficulty understanding speech in noise (SIN). As the brain ages, there are changes to its structure and function that could impede a listener’s ability to separate speech features from background noise. What are these changes, and how does this knowledge inform audiological practice?

To the Brain and Back: An Introduction

“To the Brain and Back” is a new regular series of articles in Canadian Audiologist that shares the neuroscience of hearing and communication with the audiology community. This is the third edition of a series originally known as “Grand Central Station” by Kelly Tremblay and then “Mysteries of the Hearing Brain” by Samira Anderson.

Volume 9

An Evolving Understanding of Cochlear Synaptopathy

Cochlear synaptopathy persists as a hot topic in hearing research and auditory neuroscience, and there is intense debate on developing a clinical test for it.

Volume 7

Tinnitus with a Normal Audiogram

We must establish conventions for physiological testing (devices and signal processing) and adopt them internationally; conduct additional thoughtful experiments; implement tighter controls (age, biological sex, occupation); and because the effects of hearing damage on physiological function are likely small, drastically increase the sample sizes of studies. No matter the outcome, at a minimum, patients with tinnitus will likely require assessment beyond the conventional audiogram for clinicians to better understand the status of the ear.

Volume 6

Why is Tinnitus Hard to Measure?

Clearly, quantifying an internal perception such as a phantom sound is not a trivial task, especially when there is no clear cause.