View Tag: ‘tips’

Volume 11

Murder Most Foul: Hearing Aid Version

Murder Most Foul: Hearing Aid Version

Warning: The following column may contain content that some people find upsetting. Especially you, the HCP, so you may want to warn your clients!

Volume 9

A Client’s Rant

A client sits down in the chair opposite you. You ask them how they’ve been. You don’t want a long recitation of what they’ve been up to, but you do want honest answers in the area of hearing and communication. If you had asked me how I wasin, say, early October, and I answered you…

Book Review

HEAR & BEYOND: Live Skillfully with Hearing Loss Eberts, S, Hannan, G (2022). Page Two. ISBN   978-1-77458-160-5 (paperback)ISBN   978-1-77458-161-2 (eBook) Reviewed by Rex Banks, AuD, Reg. CASLPO Shari Eberts and Gael Hannan are arguably two of the most familiar faces in hearing health consumer advocacy on the planet. For years, I have been following both,…

Volume 7

Ten Ways to Improve Hearing Access During Your Next Virtual Meeting

Understanding potential listening barriers and identifying how to effectively maximize communication is the key to holding a successful virtual meeting.

Hot Tips to Help Your Clients ‘Be Best’

Drawing on her lifetime of training as a person with hearing loss and receiving care from a lot of hearing professionals, Gael Hannan shares some helpful tips.

Volume 6

My Uneasy Truce with Tinnitus

While there are many causes of tinnitus and scientists aren’t quite sure how it works, and therefore can’t give us a cure, there are ways to “wrestle” it to a truce.

Volume 5

How Do You Expect Me to Understand You If…

The always insightful Gael Hannan gives us some expert tips on what good communication looks like for people with hearing loss.

Volume 3

How Do We Explain Ourselves?

Gael Hannan explains how people with hearing loss occupy an awkward place in this world that spins on the sounds of people, nature, and machines that most other people can hear and understand.

Book Review

Let me start with a disclaimer: this review is incredibly biased. I am a huge fan of Gael and of the generous way that she shares the personal side of living with a hearing loss. I first witnessed this at the Canadian Hearing Society in Toronto, where Gael performed her one-woman show for my “Hearing…

Volume 2

What You SHOULD Say to People Who Have Hearing Loss

Advocates are often posting articles about what NOT to say to deaf people. In this instalment of “The Way I Hear It,” Gael Hannan tells us what we SHOULD say.