View Tag: ‘Aiken’

Volume 11

Q and A with Dr. Stéphane Maison re: Vasilkov et al., Scientific Reports, 2023

Our Associate Editor, Dr. Steve Aiken, recently sat down with Dr. Stephane Maison about a recent study showing evidence for cochlear nerve degeneration in people with tinnitus, but normal hearing thresholds.

Volume 10

Environmentally Conscious Hearing — A Look at Three Exciting Devices

Have you ever looked at a hearing aid and wondered, “How does this affect the climate?” We all have. Sure, these sweet little gadgets help us hear and connect to the world, but are we really listening to what the world is saying? If we were, we would be hearing the world asking us politely to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Volume 8

Volunteer Subjects Wanted for Online Research is pleased to provide a new service for our readers where interested audiology clients can be referred for an on-line experience to be a volunteer subject in an experiment/survey being run by researchers at Canadian universities.

Volunteer Subjects Wanted for Online Research is pleased to provide a new service for our readers where interested audiology clients can be referred for an on-line experience to be a volunteer subject in an experiment/survey being run by researchers at Canadian universities.

Volunteer Subjects Wanted for Online Research is pleased to provide a new service for our readers where interested audiology clients can be referred for an on-line experience to be a volunteer subject in an experiment/survey being run by researchers at Canadian universities. The first issue’s column highlights volunteers needed by Dalhousie University and McMaster University.

Volume 7

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids—The Canadian Perspective

Over-the-Counter hearing aids have come up in talks and discussions at the annual CAA conference. This has led to the formation of an OTC working group and articles here in past issues of Canadian Audiologist. With this special issue, we are hoping to further the discussion.

Volume 6

Real Ear to Coupler Difference (RECD) Corrected Thresholds in Children: How Accurate is the Standard Audiogram Results?

Paul Hong and colleagues explore the increased recognition that the standard audiogram is not always the most accurate method of measuring true levels of hearing.

Welcome to the Special Issue on Dalhousie University!

In this issue, we have 7 outstanding articles to shine the spotlight on some of the exciting work ‘lighting-the-way’ at Dalhousie University.

Volume 3

Book Review

Let me start with a disclaimer: this review is incredibly biased. I am a huge fan of Gael and of the generous way that she shares the personal side of living with a hearing loss. I first witnessed this at the Canadian Hearing Society in Toronto, where Gael performed her one-woman show for my “Hearing…

Volume 1

The Value of Acoustic Reflexes in Practice: A Retrospective Look

Greg Noel and Steve Aiken explore questions about the utility of obtaining acoustic reflexes.