View Tag: ‘hearing loss’
Volume 7
Hearing Loss Prevalence and Loud Noise Exposure During Leisure and Work
Katya Feder shares her research indicating that a large number of Canadians are at risk for noise-induced hearing loss should this noise exposure pattern persist over several years.
An Examination of Living with Hearing Loss in an Inaccessible World: When Hearing Aids are Not Enough
In this edition of Issues in Accessibility, Janine Verge interviews Dr. Hugh J Haley, a psychologist who shares his personal experience living with hearing loss and the challenges and barriers he has encountered.
Ten Ways to Improve Hearing Access During Your Next Virtual Meeting
Understanding potential listening barriers and identifying how to effectively maximize communication is the key to holding a successful virtual meeting.
The Virus and Hearing Loss
With the whole world fixated on the viral epidemic, it is timely to remind ourselves about viral infections that can cause hearing loss.
Promoting Self-Determination in Children with Hearing Loss
As professionals working with infants and young children with hearing loss and their families, we have a unique opportunity to mitigate negative experiences by promoting self-determination.
Engaging and Empowering Children and Adolescents Using Connected Hearing Healthcare
This article looks at how the digital revolution has enabled the potential to leverage technological innovation, bringing the reality of “connected health” to patients and stakeholders involved in the care process.
Do Infants with Hearing Loss Listen Like Little Adults?
Anderson et al outline how their study results, paired with previous findings, support exploring how infants with HL utilize both TE and TFS for speech discrimination.
Hearing Aid Candidacy for Children with Mild Bilateral Hearing Loss
McCreery and Walker look at how practicing audiologists are often caught between opposing views on whether to provide amplification for children with milder degrees of hearing loss.
Noise, Vibrations, and Hearing Loss in the Workplace
This is a review of papers accessed from the Google ScholarTM and MendeleyTM databases that deal with risk of hearing loss when mechanical vibrations are also applied to the bodies of noise-exposed workers.
A Brief History of Adenoidectomy – A Glowing Report of the Post Nasal Space
Courtesy our friends at, we are happy to share Conroy and Riddington Young’s “A Brief History of Adenoidectomy.”