Volume 3

When Hearing Changes, So Does Life

Gael explores her feelings about being recommended for a cochlear implant.

Volume 2

What You SHOULD Say to People Who Have Hearing Loss

Advocates are often posting articles about what NOT to say to deaf people. In this instalment of “The Way I Hear It,” Gael Hannan tells us what we SHOULD say.

The World’s Shortest Audiology Course (Delivered by a Client)

Gael Hannan taps into her inner professor and gives us “The World’s Shortest Audiology Course.”

Hanging with the HoHs

Gael Hannan give us the wonderful lowdown on what it’s really like during an intimate gathering of 150 people with hearing loss at the recent CHHA Conference in Halifax.

A HoH’s Credo

Gael Hannan lays some wisdom on us with A HoH’s Credo.

What a HoH Needs to Know (Words to Explain Hearing Loss)

Gael Hannan wonders if people with hearing loss have unrealistic expectations with friends and love ones when it comes to remembering their communication challenges.

Love Poem to Hearing Aids

Gael Hannan debunks an urban myth that people who use hearing aids dislike them with her wonderful Love Poem to Hearing Aids.

Volume 1

Diary of a Mad Hearing Aid User

The always thoughtful Gael Hannan gives us an outline of her first days with a hearing aid in her “Diary of a Mad Hearing Aid User.”

Stupid Things To Do With Your Hearing Aids

Gael Hannan opens her personal experience bank and shares some stupid things to do with your hearing aids.

Sitting Here, Deaf

While waiting to have her hearing aids serviced, Gael Hannan shares her thoughts in the form of a poem called Sitting Here Deaf.