Volume 8

When They Take Away Your Hearing Aids

There’s a special kind of deaf felt by people who use hearing aids all the time, every minute of their waking day. This special deaf is what you become when your devices are removed—to be examined by the technical gods because Something. Is. Wrong.

Do You Tell Your Clients About Captioning?

Audiologists, do you accept that some (or many) of your clients need to use captioning? If so, are you helping them access it?

Volume 7

Why Don’t Our Doctors Ask About Our Hearing?

Gael tells us about a recent experience with her father and how some seniors won’t bring up the subject of hearing loss – so the ball needs to go into the physician’s court.

Me Vs. The Mask

As we crawl our way through this global pandemic, Gael understands the need for masks. But that doesn’t mean she has to like them.

Being Hard of Hearing in 1921

After finding a copy of Dorothy Scott’s 80 Years of Looking & Learning, Gael Hannan takes a trip back in time to see what life was like in the past for people with hearing loss.

During The Pandemic — We Still Need You!

Gael Hannan would like audiologists to remind their clients to reach out others on hearing loss via social media – they will be glad to hear from you!

Hot Tips to Help Your Clients ‘Be Best’

Drawing on her lifetime of training as a person with hearing loss and receiving care from a lot of hearing professionals, Gael Hannan shares some helpful tips.

What a HoH Believes

Accepting the reality of hearing loss is a different process for everyone. Some adjust better than others, but we all struggle with the changed dynamics of our relationships; caught between worlds of people who can hear and the people who can’t.

Volume 6

Please, Rethink Telecoils!

Gael Hannan tells us why telecoils in her hearing aids have made her life better.

My Uneasy Truce with Tinnitus

While there are many causes of tinnitus and scientists aren’t quite sure how it works, and therefore can’t give us a cure, there are ways to “wrestle” it to a truce.