Volume 7
Proper Hand Placement on a Vocal Mic
A handheld microphone is a microphone like all others. However, how you hold the microphone affects the sound. Some use this to their advantage; others don’t realize this is the case. This article explains how your sound may change depending on how you hold the microphone.
Volume 0
Proper Hand Placement on a Vocal Mic
A handheld microphone is a microphone like all others. However, how you hold the microphone affects the sound. Some use this to their advantage; others don’t realize this is the case. This article explains how your sound may change depending on how you hold the microphone.
Volume 4
Hearing Aid Analyzers…Factory Floor Testing as a Start
The hearing professional has to remember that the hearing aid is a complicated hardware device. Many things could and do happen to affect the way that it operates. Sometimes, only by running an objective test is a defect found in what otherwise seems to be a perfect hearing aid. Frye and Staab look at the advantages of hearing aid analyzers.
Volume 3
The Mysterious Cartilaginous/Bony Ear Canal Junction
The “Trends” column returns with a tale of “The Mysterious Cartilaginous/Bony Ear Canal Junction.”
Shooters Passive Earplugs to Hearables
Wayne Staab looks at the evolution of hearing protection for shooters.
Program the Aid, and Whatever You Hit is the Target
Wayne Staab explores the question of what is the gain/response target of optimal hearing aid amplification.
Volume 2
Disposable Hearing Aid
Wayne Staab looks back on the disposable hearing aid that was introduced in 2000 By Songbird Medical.
Hearing Testing History: Western Electric 2-A Audiometer
Class is in session as Wayne Staab gives us some Hearing Testing History on the Western Electric 2-A Audiometer.
Hearing Aids – Age and Type from MarkeTrak 9
Wayne Staab gives us an overview of the Marke Trake 9 survey which was designed to form a new baseline of data to provide a solid backdrop on the hearing aid market, and also to serve as a reference and starting point for future analyses and publications, as well as follow-up research.
Energy Harvesting and Hearing Aids
Wayne Staab explores the possibility to overcoming hearing aid power disadvantages by extracting (harvesting) energy from either the human or the environment involved.