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Phone and Video Calling Solutions for People with Hearing Loss
Issues in Accessibility
Janine Verge, AuD, Aud (C) is coordinating the “Issues in Accessibility,” column which will cover topics addressing issues in accessibility for people who are Deaf/deaf and hard of hearing.
Audiologists play an essential role in helping people communicate effectively. An important way that audiologists can support clients’ communicative needs is by modifying their use of telecommunications, which can be a barrier for people living with hearing loss. Solutions are unique for each person. They should be selected based on various factors, including the degree of hearing loss, type of amplification, telecommunication devices used, the listening environment, and listening needs required for each device.
The following booklet, poster, and infographic video links follow-up in a two-part series highlighting the importance of telecommunication accessibility for people living with hearing loss. The first article in the series appeared in issue six, volume seven, in 2020:
The booklet lists various options and features for making phone conversations on a landline, mobile device, cellphone, or video platform more accessible. Improving telephone communication skills can make a big difference for yourself and your communication partner, with or without a hearing loss.
The booklet discusses solutions for hearing the phone ring, improving clarity, managing emergencies, and offers specific solutions for people with and without hearing aids or cochlear implants. It is crucial to keep in mind that everyone’s needs are unique, and they might prefer different solutions. You should continue trying until you find out what works best for you. If you need further help, consider discussing options with your Audiologist.
May is hearing and speech month. What better time to consider how you can make your phone and video calling more accessible for yourself or other people living with hearing loss!

Videographic: Phone and Video Calling Solutions for People with Hearing Loss