Experimental Medicines for Hearing Loss: Are Prevention or Restoration Feasible?
Advances in understanding cell death in the inner ear have opened the door for identifying investigational medicines that may prevent hearing loss. There is reason to be hopeful that additional medicines will successfully navigate the regulatory process and one day be available for patient populations.
Findings from the ACHIEVE RCT: Does hearing care modify dementia risk?
The long-awaited first results of the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE) study were released on July 18, 2023. A brief description of the design and methods of the ACHIEVE study will be provided to highlight how the ACHIEVE study differs from previous research.
Mysteries of the Hearing Brain: Hearing aid processing delays affect neural fidelity
hearing aid manufacturers have begun to incorporate pupillometry and electrophysiology to evaluate the performance of their algorithms. These measures may be useful in verifying that algorithms designed to reduce hearing aid distortion effects are beneficial to the listener.
Striking the Right Balance – The Vestibular Patient Journey: An Interview with a Patient Diagnosed with Concussion
In this edition of “Striking the Right Balance,” Erica Zaia, MSc, RAUD and Michael Vekasi, AuD, R.Aud, Aud(C), FAAA interview a patient presenting with dizziness and imbalance to look at how vestibular impairments negatively impact our patients’ quality of life and how our interactions with them contribute to their patient journey. This is the third article in this patient-focused series, featuring a patient diagnosed with concussion.
Vestibular Dysfunction Related to Cochlear Implantation in Adults
Vestibular sedatives can be prescribed to reduce acute onset vertigo after cochlear implantation, e.g., prochlorperazine, diphenhydramine and meclizine. Appropriate repositioning maneuver if BPPV is found. Vestibular rehabilitation is an effective intervention to improve overall balance, especially in cases of vestibular hypofunction.
A Narrative Review of Air-Conduction Re-routing Systems for Adults with Limited Useable Hearing Unilaterally
Clinical management of adults who have unilateral hearing loss can be difficult. The challenge might be even more significant for adults with limited useable hearing unilaterally.
Elevate Your Practice

Clinic Corner
Psychologists often use the old adage of: “walking a mile in someone else’s shoes.” While we can empathize with our patients and support, acknowledge, help, and advocate for them, I believe that as their clinicians, we will never quite get it because we’re not them; However, I do believe that we have an obligation to try.
Audiology in the Classrooms
When Pam Millett began her career, she was confident that she knew the answer to the statement “what deaf and hard of hearing children need is…” Pam and her students have come to realize that it is far more nuanced than ever before.
What’s New About Getting Older?
Kathy shares her thoughts on the long-awaited first results of the Aging and Cognitive Health Evaluation in Elders (ACHIEVE; NCT03243422) study (Deal et al., 2018) which were released on July 18, 2023.
The Way I Hear It
Gael recently spoke at a conference of people with hearing loss – one of her favorite things to do. The shared emotions and experiences of people who ‘get’ each other is eternally inspiring to her.
Quick Answers
AU gives us the lowdown on the use of ultrasonic cleaners for admittance probe tips.
From the Labs to the Clinics
Whilst many technical aspects of synchrotron imaging of the inner ear have been explored, we are not at the point of having a clinical imaging tool. However, if this does become a reality, it could provide a very useful diagnostic tool in audiology.